Thursday, September 20, 2018

My Experimental Film

My experimental film is representing chaos and and curiosity in young teens and the world around them. Its supposed to extract fear and anxiety. The bells and the birds at the end represent peace. Its almost as if you're free from the afterlife.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Twin Peaks

I thought the experimental film from Twin Peaks was extremely interesting. I felt scared, almost. Watching it, was confused and intrigued. When we found out what the meaning was, it all made sense! Im a big fan of Twin Peaks and it gave me  new found respect for the show and Christopher Nolan.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Experimental Film Idea

In my vision for my experimental film, I imagine I'm at the park, by my house. Its dusk and it's completely empty except for a dark figure in the field. As the camera gets closer, the figure is moving. Its face is a mirror facing the point of view of the filter but nothing is there. The background is bees buzzing in a chaotic way, like an orchestra. Then, it goes back to the park and on the swing, and the figure is seen slightly, far away. The moon and clouds are visible through the trees. There are strange looking symbols flashing on the screen, then it goes dark.


Process Film Idea

Me and Kass' process film idea was to show how to make a horror movie. But we wanted to make it scarier, so we thought that in the proce...